May 08, 2011

Now you see it...

In preparation (sort of) for Kids' Clothes Week starting in the morning, I've finally managed to finish (sans borders) the top to the disappearing nine-patch I've been occasionally working on since late last year.

disappearing nine patch

I found Rachel's tutorial for this pattern about a year ago, probably when I was looking for something else and decided that I needed to make one, immediately. I'm particularly pleased with myself for not buying a charm pack for the starting squares, instead digging through the stash for Things That Worked. Most of these fabrics were part of a fat quarter bundle I received from my mother for Christmas one year (Thanks, Mom!). I'm really good at saving things because I Might Need That Someday, something that occasionally translates not only to not letting go of something but not using something on Project A because it might be better in a completely hypothetical Project B. So not only does this project (so far) represent success in Not Shopping For More Fabric but also in Never Mind What Might Come Up Later, I'm Using This Now.

disappearing nine patch

Now that it's this far, though, I'm going to fold it up and set it aside for a while. I've a dress and probably two skirts and something out of a knit and maybe some other things for Caitlyn on deck for this week. I have fabric for three new shirts for Ian. I really should finish the postage stamp quilt - it has borders now, but the backing isn't quite ready and then I need to quilt it (future post: anyone know of a long-arm I could use?). And, there are two other quilty projects I can't share here until they are done.

Oh, and my pile of octagons.

Nope, no boredom here!

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