July 12, 2012

Summer Journal: Strawberries

Some people (I'm looking at you, elsie marley) can take a camera when they go strawberry picking and somehow get fun pictures of their kids picking/eating strawberries without (I assume) making a mess of the camera with their own strawberry-covered fingers. I know this is a skill I don't have, so I didn't bother with the camera. You'll just have to imagine:

A day that was forecast for rain and then didn't...

A field of strawberry plants, just to the right of the teeny tiny Christmas trees...

Caitlyn and her friend actually filling their buckets, instead of bringing us 4 or 5 berries at time, for the first time in 3 years...

Working down the rows, on hands and knees...

Milkshakes made with fresh strawberries...

Picking more than 60 pounds of berries, to the great startlement of the young man at the scale...

Listening to the kids run in the playground made of old tractor tires and culvert pieces (which vibrate you when you slide through them, and then echo the vibration back at you if you say "Ahhhh!" while you slide)...

I've got strawberries in the freezer now. Some of them are destined for jam, maybe some for syrup. Lots of them are destined for Caitlyn's lunches next school year. Some of them will get tossed with the rhubarb in the freezer for strawberry-rhubarb crumble.

strawberry lemon preserves
And some became these jars of strawberry lemon preserves. I wonder how long I can hold off opening one up?

Why do I keep making jams and spreads when I have so many jars of homemade grape jelly in the pantry??? Does anyone know what to do with grape jelly besides spread it on toast or peanut butter?

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