The asparagus is up in the p-patch plot. Little pea plants are waiting for enough warm days in a row and then they will reach all the way to the bottom rung on the pea fence. Under the row cover, I really should thin the spinach.

I was too exuberant with the first batch of seed potatoes this year, cutting them for planting before they had a chance to put out early leaves. Naturally, they all rotted. This second batch is sunning on the windowsill, growing the tiniest of green leaves before they go into this year's potato bed. Outside, the potatoes I missed during the fall harvest are volunteering to grow where they are, so I guess I don't really have a dedicated potato bed as much as a bed with more potatoes than other things. For the number of voluntary potatoes I seem to have these days, I'm surprised that my total potato harvest size hasn't increased; we still run out in February/March. This fall, I really must remember to get the potato box relocated to the sunroom as soon as it gets cold. I think the pantry is too warm for proper long-term spud storage.

The grape vine is budding out, and the raspberries canes are filling in. The blueberries are blooming (and the non-edible potato vine needs to be wrangled back again or the berries won't get enough sun to actually set). In the herb patch by the back door, everything is bouncing back; I have an oregano carpet.

Does it look like spring (or fall, if appropriate) where you are?
We're getting temps approaching 90 so it's actually starting to look like summer down here! Many of the spring flowers are spent and the Japanese Beetles are chowing down on what's left. But we just got the tomatoes, cucumbers and squash started in their boxes and it's not really summer until you taste the first fresh zucchini from your garden. Then it's truly summer when you've let one get away from you and it's so big you can make an entire pot of stuffed vegetables from the one that got away.
ReplyDeleteIt's probably risky, but I am putting in at least 4 zucchini plants (two in the garden, two in the p-patch). I had two different varieties and I was using up old seed when I was starting the seeds. I may have more zucchini than is wise later this summer!