Like these woven stars. I used Betz White's tutorial, which is way easy to follow. I used tweezers instead of a bodkin ('cause I don't have one) to finish the weaving. The binder clip hint is essential.

I am wondering if these stars would come out if I used sewn fabric tubes instead of quarter-fold strips. There's a lot of fabric folded away where no one will see it, and it seems that tubes would be more efficient, if you've got a good way of turning tubes. But the extra fabric may actually be necessary to keep things from getting too floppy. More things to experiment with!
I made a new phone cozy, more or less like the last one I made. Kevin needed something to keep his iPhone 5 safe(r), and I have the extra fabric to whip these up. Now that I've made two of them, I may have some ideas for some extra touches.

If you've got an iPhone 5 that needs a cozy, drop me a line or comment or something. It's always easier to work on something that has an audience and/or destination.
I also used Stitched in Color's tutorial at FreeSpirit to make a journal cover. This was going to be a Christmas gift but when it was all put together, I didn't think it "resonated" for the intended recipient. I may adopt it myself or hold on to it as an "emergency" gift. Everyone can use a pretty covered notebook, right?

I decided at the last minute to line the cover. With the pieced zig-zags, there are lots of little seams in this cover. Lining it protects those seams a little, especially if it ever needs to be washed (or moved from book to book to book).

I can see making more of these in the future. It's nice to be reminded that piecing projects don't have to be queen sized. And these are such a nice way to work through the accumulated stash!
Anyone want a journal cover? With a matching phone cozy?
Great to see all your creativity sparking and sparkling!